Health Choices for Improved Family Heath

protein for breakfastWhen you really think about it, there are a very few things we eat on a day to day basis that are good for us. We live in a world where healthy eating seems to be a thing of the past, as are some of the things that we do beyond eating. We eat quick meals as we run out the door on the way to work, school, or errands. We often eat a quick lunch, and then maybe for dinner we will eat the right way. If you look at the habits we have, things become even worse. If you are concerned about what your family may be doing right or wrong, you should consider trying to encourage some of the health choices for improved family health.

Unhealthy Lifestyles

drinking heavyEveryone has a few bad habits that could be lowering their life expectancy, even if you do not realize that you are doing it. For instance, everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, but still we do it. There are also some drinkers among us, who are doing more damage than good. The truth is, if you drink more than eight adult beverages in a week, you could likely be overweight because of it and have a few other unsavory health issues to deal with including injuries from a fall. We often come home from work at a desk job and sit on the couch watching television when we are not at work. This is also very bad for your overall health because we all need some type of physical activity, even if it is just choosing to walk up the stairs at work instead of taking the elevator. We stress over things that we cannot change, and this encourages us to continue with our bad habits, which hurts us each day. To get beyond it, you have to recognize the habit as a bad thing and then work to let it go.

Simple Changes to Improve Health

chewing gumOne great example of a simple change that you can make is to watch what you chew on. For instance, let’s say you choose to chew on ice. Chewing on ice is bad for your teeth and it could indicate that you have an iron deficiency. It is fine to chew on ice chunks occasionally, but if it is something you feel compelled to do constantly, you should talk to someone about it. If it is simply something you enjoy doing, you may want to consider switching from ice to gum that is sugar free. Switching to something like Ice Breakers Ice Cubes xylitol will give you the satisfaction of chewing, but can also help with bad breath, cleaning teeth on the run and more. Also, you should keep in mind that breakfast is the most important part of the day. Eat a little protein before you head out the door and you will feel better throughout the entire day.

Live Each Day

We all have bad habits that we deal with, but your bad habits are not allowing you to live the life you should be living. Stop stressing, stop worrying. Simply live each day and forget about complaining. If you can do this, you will be making a major step toward improving your overall health and the rest will simply start to fall into place for you.