Cool Comfortable Homes Make for A Happy Family

Comforts of HomeOur home is our special space. It is where we go to escape the hustle and bustle of our work lives and where our kids go to get away from school. We walk in the door and feel as though we can leave the stress outside. We can kick off our shoes and breathe. We have out big overstuffed chairs and relaxing bedrooms, dinner smells coming from the kitchen, and so much more. It is everything that a home should be unless it is too hot outside and it somehow manages to seep into a home. If this happens, the happy home can quickly become filled with stressed people and a desire to leave so that you are back in the busy world you should be leaving behind.

The Stress of Heat

hot houseIt is fine to sweat outside. It is something we expect. In our homes, though, there is something wrong if you walk into an oven. You can’t really cuddle on a couch with your child or your partner if it is too hot to sit near someone. You will not want to cook a good old-fashioned family dinner if it is too hot to enjoy eating it. When you are hot and sticky, you may walk around feeling unhappy and moody. All the things that we try to keep out of our homes will come creeping in. Toddlers get fussy, parents get grouchier, and everyone just becomes miserable. Is that how you want to live?

The Right Amount of Heat

cuddles on the couchIf you look around just a little, you will see that the average temperature for comfort is around 75 F during the day and 65 F at night.  However, every home is different, and some families prefer it warmer or cooler. It may change with the seasons. If you live in a warmer part of the U.S., you may enjoy it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. You may also consider keeping just one area of your home cooler using a Koldfront portable air conditioner. This will ensure that your power bill doesn’t climb, but you have plenty of cuddle time with those you love. Keeping fans on in your living space will also keep the air circulating so that you feel less sticky during the hottest months of the year.

What Is Your Ideal Temperature?

No one knows what your ideal temperature range may be, but you can figure it out. Turn down your thermostat to something you feel is reasonable. If everyone is cold, you can turn it up a little. If you have a pool outside and your family frequently comes in wet and wrapped in a towel, you may want to keep your home warmer. In the event that you find you set your air conditioner on 75 and at the end of a day the temperature soars to 90, you should look into the idea of adding a power saving portable unit. If it keeps your family happy, you will find the peace at home that you all deserve!