Family Planning for Busy Moms

long term birth control optionsMost women are busy people. Nowadays, they spend their time running errands, taking care of the home, working full time jobs, and spending time with their partner when they are able. Most do not want to have to think about birth control or what they can do to prevent pregnancy. Therefore, there are contraceptives that they do not have to think about. It is the perfect solution to family planning for busy moms.

Best, Easy Contraceptives

IUDMany people think of condoms or pills as a form of birth control. They may also think of shots which are good for three months at a time, but it is still a hassle to go to the doctor every couple of months. Busy women want thought-free, hassle-free solutions that are able to last for an extended period of time. The most popular ones can lower the risk of pregnancy much more effectively than pills, patches, or vaginal rings and a woman rarely has to think about them. They include the ParaGuard IUD, the Mirena IUD, and the contraceptive implant. Each of these options are good for reducing the risk of pregnancy for between three and ten years.

Are These Options Right for You?

implantLong term contraceptives are ideal for most women. Even women that have never had a child can benefit from using an IUD. However, unless you are in a committed relationship with a single partner, you should still keep and use condoms. The IUD and implants do not protect you from getting an STD. A condom for men or women is the only way to protect yourself from STDs.